Author Archives: Paddy Butler

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Hobie 18s Brighten Up Tanilba Bay for the Big Boat Regatta

‘life in technicolour’ Welcome to Tanilba Bay Amateur Sailing Club. Where the sun shines brightly through the graceful gum trees, onto the pristine rigging/camping lawn situated on the pristine shores of Port Stephens. With two days of solid nor’ east sea-breezes forecasted for bottom-half of the mid-north coast, the 40-plus strong fleet of off-the-beach catamarans…


State of Supremacy | 2023/24 Australian Championships

Rediscovered and reinstated at the 50th Australian Championships in Jervis Bay, the NSW Hobie Cat Association challenged the other States for Supremacy above all others, much like a Hobie Sailing ‘State of Origin’. Opening up the competition for 51st Nationals in Bris-Vegas, the NSWHCA challenged the States for: ‘ the lowest total points of the top-3 teams/helms in…

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51st Hobie Cat Nationals, Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron | The Match Report

The racing sails have been dropped, washed down, rolled up and put back into storage after what could be considered one of the toughest Australian Championships the Hobie Family has seen for a long time. Across the 10 day extravaganza, the true meaning of “having a bloody good time” couldn’t have been more evident; and…


Totally Immersed TV Presents: 51st Hobie Cat Nationals | RQYS

This has been the 51st Hobie Nationals … and this is Totally Immersed TV! Go ahead, sit back with a beverage and enjoy the Summer’s most anticipated limited series, TITV Presents: The 51st Hobie Nationals | RQYS. Directed by: Paddy Butler Produced by: Paddy Butler Co-Producers: Elisabeth Smith & Bridget Raftery. Associate Producers: Andrew Warneke…

Steve Fields


Hobie Cat Company and Starting Line Sailing have jointly decided to conclude their licensing agreement, marking a momentous occasion as Hobie Cat Sailing rejoins Hobie. Hobie expresses its sincere appreciation to the SLS family of companies for their recent stewardship of Hobie Sailboats. Leading the way in this thrilling resurgence is Steve Fields, the former…

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Sail Brisbane ’23 – The Match Report

Interstate Winners, Last-Minute Crews on Moreton Bay’s Finest* Sail Brisbane ’23 kicked off under the brilliant Queensland sun, with the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron providing a stunning backdrop for the diverse fleet that had gathered for this open regatta. The event showcased an impressive array of sailing classes, from the OK Dinghy World Championships to…

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Entries and Notice of Race LIVE for the NSW Hobie 14, 16 Women & Youth States

Flat water sea-breezes locked, loaded and ready to go! The NSW Hobie Cat Association, in conjunction with Toukley Sailing Club, are proud to release the Notice of Race and offical open entries for the 23-24 NSW Hobie 14, Hobie 16 Women & Youth State Championships, to be held during the second weekend of February. NSW…

Olympus Digital Camera

Palm Beach Sailing Club’s ‘Bullets Regatta 2023’

With the lasting memories of the past two Bullets Regattas being 35 degree temperatures and howling westerlies, it was with a sense of relief when the forecast stabilised during the week. What could be considered perfect conditions on Pittwater, Palm Beach Sailing Club’s Commodore Dick Clarke made the bold statement claiming the weekend’s racetrack as…